Posts Tagged ‘strappado’

Portia returns in July!

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run time over 40 minutes

The lovely Portia Everly came to visit. Here she wears a little top and pantyhose with some tiny undies over the hosiery. She hogcuffs herself and struggles before getting out of the cuffs and removing her tiny panties. I ask her to put them in her mouth but the camera man is not recording at the time :/ though we do later see her remove them from her mouth. Vetwrap goes around her mouth and around her upper body strappado style and then she paces the room in blue heels showing off her petite and athletic frame. When she bends over she gives me an idea so I wrap her chest to her legs and now she is in a bent over strappado tied off to the ceiling. I put an enormous blue ballgag in for a bit myself.  After the bent over strappado her little top is removed, her legs are wrapped up frogtie style and those little panties come out of her mouth and a larger style goes in.  A blue stocking is placed over her head and her ponytail is pulled out the back. She is put into a knee point strappado with her hair pulled back into it with nipple clamps on. I didn’t do a great job on the video stills, there are defintely close ups of her booty and pantyhose clad feet in the knee point tie.

I show her coming undone and a quick chat.

She is a lovely human, tough and bendy and I can’t wait to make magic with her on her next visit!!

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run time 39 minutes and 27 seconds

 Ariel Anderssen enters an office and is excited to be committed. Of course she thinks she is committed to being a nurse but she is actually being committed to the hospital….  She cheerfully signs papers, slips into her new wardrobe- very shiny pantyhose, a little tank top and some black heels. Next a leather belt with pink handcuffs is wrapped around her and some leg irons. After a bit they leave the room together and we see Ariel being transported in a wheelchair. She is harness gagged and put into an uncomfortable strappado position. Next it is time for the tall lovely girl to get straitjacketed and a scary hood is pulled out. She doesn’t like the look of it and she says that she doesn’t want to wear it but it goes on anyway for a bit. It isn’t a great fit so it is soon removed and her mouth is stuffed and a little piece of microfoam tape is used to seal them in and a harness muzzle gag goes on her. She is roped to the bed for a bit before it is time for transport again….

This was a clever custom for Jayda and Calisa and it worked out very well, aside from the fact that I shot it with an iphone pro max plus in default camera settings and Adobe hated it. Sigh.  I struggled to even make it looks this good. That problem has since been fixed at least.


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run time almost 50 minutes

Calisa Bliss and Jayda Blayze are looking spectacular in high end stockings and heels. Calisa touches on Jayda while Jayda gets tied up with a big ring gag in her mouth. Calisa gets a rope gag and she said it may have been a first for her. The two are tied in strappados shoulder to shoulder for a bit before they are re-arranged so that the more Jayda moves the tighter the crotch rope digs into Calisa. I make it worse by pulling off their heels after some time. They are truly stuck on their tiptoes.

That adventure ends but they aren’t done yet. They get hogtied knee to knee and then their gags are tied off to one another. Jayda is now in a harness gag.  They have to focus more on breathing and can’t move around much. I know this part was hard on Calisa mentally, she would much rather put on a struggling show for us then to be stuck being still. After a while I remove the rope so their gags are no longer attached and they are simply hogtied next to each other. The end.

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run time 23 minutes and 34 seconds

Freshie Juice struggles in a strappado and black leather gag. I come in and add some nipple clamps and a crotch rope and put a chair out for her to sit in. Her legs are tied spread, her mouth is stuffed with a scarf and cleave gag and then blue tape over her mouth pulling her head back. After some struggling with her arms pulled up behind her they come down and the gag comes off. She gets the super big ballgag stuffed between her pretty lips and then some blue fabric is wrapped over her mouth and eyes and she struggles with her elbows bound until the end of the clip when I remove the gag.

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36 minutes

 JJ is sitting in her office when the neighbor boy comes in and asks if she has some time to play. He says he likes pantyhose and prison play. She decides to amuse him and the two head down to the basement after JJ is asked to put on a pair of white socks and leg irons. She walks the line back and forth and then goes into the jail cell. He gives her a nylon hood to wear and then has her tie her big natural boobs up. After some time she walks the line again and pulls a chair over and tries to remove her socks with her teeth so he can see her pantyhose clad feet again. She fails so his hand appears helping her. Then she puts a new stocking cap on having ripped hers with her teeth. Next she appears in the cage in a handcuff strappado.  Her neck is tied to the bars forcing her encased face to the bars. After a bit she appears in an orange jumpsuit, boobs still tied, stocking cap on walking the line until it is time to go back to the office where after a chat she appears in an elbows together hogtie on the desk.

This was a custom for Diamondly and I

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run time 48 minutes and 30 seconds

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run time 12 minutes and 18 seconds

Diamondly and JJ have decided to do some outdoor bondage. They pack a bag of supplies and head out to walk to some abandoned property. Once there Diamondly puts a pair of short shorts on over her pantyhose. She is spanked by JJ for a bit and the two continue on. Diamondly gets an armbinder and ballgag and JJ leads her around the property leashed and flogs her against a tree. She is nipple clamped and put into a strappado. JJ takes some photos and a man ( Eric Cain) approaches and demands that JJ strip and put on a straitjacket. He buckles her into it and pushes her into the tree and ties her to the tree and lifts her legs up in the air. She has been ballgagged and is now drooling. Poor Diamondly is still in that position and he doesn’t let her down.  The man says he will be back in a few hours to let them go and that they should never return. After some time JJ is able to move her leg enough to slide the armbinder off of Diamondly which frees up her arms to come to the rescue. The two quickly run off to be sure the man doesn’t ever see them again.

This was a custom video that I added a bit to, new camera person, she liked my heels and the lightstands. I’ll get her under control 😉


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run time over 30 minutes

Two men (Eric Cain and Oscar) have JJ, one around the neck and the other at the arms. The one behind her keeps kicking and kneeing her. They are demanding a combination to the safe. JJ vehemently exclaims that she doesn’t have it, she doesn’t whine at them, then she tries to bargain with them that if they let her go she might actually remember it but all of this manhandling is traumatic. They get her into a strappado and leave her dangling. She has given them the combo, only it was a couple digits off so they are furious. They take her down from the strappado and lead her around the building by the neck again taking her back upstairs and hogtying her. She tries to pick at the knots but she can’t get them out, sliding to the floor did her no good.  They return to her and lead her around the building more, shoving her head into a disgusting hole. Finally she gives up the real combination which doesn’t do her any good. They take her back upstairs, stuff her mouth and wrap it with tape and leave her hogtied on the couch. The next day she wakes up, no ropes on her but her body hurts and there is a tiny piece of rope on the floor. It couldn’t have all been a dream….

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run time 16 minutes

link fixed 8/5

Story by Jim Hunter/ Hunters Lair. Clip also available at his clips4sale store if you are not a member here at borntobebound

While attending a class reunion trip with her sorority in Spain hapless sorority girl JJ got separated from her sisters at one of the local night clubs. Someone slipped a mickey into her drink, she woke up the next morning in the trunk of a car with her arms tightly bound behind her back. The brutally tight ropes crush her elbows competely together and bite deep into her wrists. The trunk opens and She is blinded by the bright sunlight streaming in. A hooded brute ties a rope around her neck and drags her toward a remote villa in the hills. JJ begs and pleads with the brute as she pulls on her rope leash, she tries to dig in her stiletto heels into the gravel but with her arms fused behind her back her resistance in futile. He opens a steel door below the villa and drags her inside. JJ continues to beg and cry in terror as she is lead onto a dank basement dungeon. He opens steel barred door and drags her inside, poor JJ can’t believe what is happening to her and tries to buy her freedom. But the hooded fiend tells her to shut up as he ties her bound wrists to a rope hanging down from an overhead eye bolt. She yelps in pain as her arms are jerked up high behind her back in a strict strappado. He then stuffs an old gag into her mouth and pulls some elastic bandage between her teeth and wraps it tightly around her head. JJ continues to beg and cry through her gag as he ties her booted ankles tightly together. She protests through her gag as he pulls her huge tits out of her satin blouse and bra and manhandles her tits. JJ can only hang helplessly in the ropes as she watches him sort through more rope and comes back with a long length of rope. He wraps the rope around her rib cage just above and below her big tits then finishes the rope harness with the rope wrapped over her sholders and cinched between her big tits to the ropes around her chest. He then wraps the rope around the base of her left breast, JJ scream and curses in protest as her breast is brutally bound in a tight tourniquet of rope. The ropes slice deep into the soft flesh around the base of her left breast cauing it to swell and bulge as her wraps the rope tighter and tighter up her breast. With her left breast swellling and throbbing in pain he pulls her other tit out of her bra and repeats the procedure on her right breast. Once both of her breasts are brutally bound in the tight rope tourniquet he wraps the remainder of the rope around the base of both of her breasts and ties them tightly together. JJ grunts, curses and swears in pain as her big beautiful breasts are bound and deformed in the tight coils of rope. Her booted knees are then tied tightly together before the brute leaves her hanging by her wrists, her poor swollen breast throbbing in pain are already turning color. JJ twists and turns in the cruel strappado but there is no escape. Then to her dismay the brute comes back with more rope,  He grabs a tall stool and puts it under her ass then to her releif he frees her wrists from the hanging rope and she is able to lower her arms and take the stress off her shoulders. She is also greatful to sit on the stool and take a break from standing in her stiletto heeled boots. But he isn’t merciful as he ties another rope around her tightly bound throbbing tits then runs the rope down between her bound booted knees. JJ groans and cries into her gag as he pulls and stretches her brutally bound tits to her knees and ties them to her legs. JJ struggles to keep her ass on the stool as she is off balance with her tits tighted to her knees. Then to her dismay he runs the rope hanging down from the overhead eye bolt between her bound wrists again and pulls her arms up high behind her back. She screams in pain and disbelief as he pulls the stool out from under her ass. JJ’s arms are jerked up high as her ass sinks without the support of the stool. Her poor brutally bound tits are also pulled and stretched as she struggles to keep her balance in her stiletto heels. She begs and pleads through her gag but her begging and crying is answered with him pulling out a roll of shiny white tape which he then wraps it tightly over her already overstuffed mouth. The tight tape forces her jaws painfully open as the rag is pushed deep to her throat. He leaves her alone to suffer in the cruel squat strappado with her swollen tits pulled and stretched tied to her knees. JJ doesn’t know how much more torture her poor body can take as she swings helplessly in the ropes trying not to pulls or stretch her poor shoulders or tits. When the brute returns again JJ can barely protest, then to her releif he frees her wrists from the hanging rope and lowers her to her knees. With her throbbing tits still tied to her knees she can barely move, she lowers her forehead to the floor begging for her torment to end but the brute has no intention of ending her suffering. He pushes her over and JJ falls to her side, more ropes are then wrapped over her shoulders and then run down her spine to her tightly bound wrists. He pulls the rope between her bound wrists then jerks her wrists up high behind her back forcing her poor crushed elbows to jut out from her back. The ropes are wrapped around her chest then cinched between her hands and her spine in a cruel chicken wing.  JJ struggle to take her weight off of her shoulder and manages to sit up. She stuggles on the floor pulling at the ropes but her poor arms are totally useless to her now. The fiend come back with more rope and rolls her onto her belly. JJ grunts in pain as her brutally bound, swollen tits are crushed under her body weight. He ties a rope between her bound stiletto heels then bends her legs and pulls her stiletto heels up to her crushed elbows. The rope is run between her bound elbows and pulled bowstring tight. JJ’s us forced into a strict back arch as the ropes are tied off with her stiletto heels tightly tethered to her crushed elbows in a brutal chicken wing hogtied. He tells her to get comfortable for the night, he will return in the morning to begin her training. JJ looks up with tears in her eyes as she watches in disbelief as he leaves her helplessly and brutally bound, gagged and hogtied in his dungeon. She doesn’t know how she can last until morning in her brutal chicken wing hogtie. she can barely move all she can do is roll over onto her side. But it is too painful to lay on her twisted shoulder for long, she then struggles to roll back onto her belly but in doing so she crushes her swollen tits under her own weight. She screams and cries through her gag for helpl but no one can hear her pitiful muffled screams.

Come and see myself, Sasori, Minuit, Bettine (from this clip) and many of your longgggg time favorite bondage models and riggers at Boundcon in Munich Germany 5/24/2019 – 5/26/2019, plus the most incredible display of bondage gear and fetishwear for sale that I have ever seen under one roof! This is the BEST event and I am sooo happy to be attending the May event after a few year hiatus!  I will be there all day every day and in the hotel bar doing bondage at night I’m suuuuuure. Hugs come free, me tying you up at a price 😉


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strappado & hogtie over 35 minutes

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suspension over 25 minutes

Imagine my surprise when I walk into this room full of esteemed bondage folks and I was of the mindset that I would be the one tying one of these lovely ladies. My bad I didn’t read the schedule well enough! Sometimes ignorance IS bliss because I would have been very nervous walking into this situation knowing what kind of a rigger Sasori is! I have not been put in many extreme ties in years and years and I haven’t been touched by many strangers and my anxiety is not great. First many thanks to Bondage from overseas for recording this for me over to the side and out of the way of the people that were paying to take their own photos and videos and many thanks to the event coordinator for allowing me to post this here. The video focuses on me mostly and not the other lovely model Bettine. First I am put into a strict strappado with my mouth stuffed and head pulled back and then I am placed on top of a box. I HATE being tied on top of things and my breathing was labored due to where the thing was hitting me on the chest but I refrained from panicking, yay for me! When that came to an end I was already a bumbling idiot. Bondage is a real thing to me and it changes me headspace. It makes me high, which is why I was truly never a good damsel or model I just enjoy being tied up. So I thought it was time for a little after bondage nap after those ties but NOPE, more time left in this fan photo shoot so they get to work tying me up again in a strict chicken wing with a suspension which was truly just breaking my back ankle of all things… So now we are all done and I’m a bumbling idiot and need to pull myself together to somehow get back into top mode.

No cuts, filming straight through


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full clip, run time over 30 minutes

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chair only

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stuffing gag on raven through hogtie struggling, coming soon

 Raven has captured JJ and when the scene begins she is already strapped into the restraint chair with an enormous ballgag in her mouth. Raven appears and moves the chair around and threatens the woman and disappears. Some time later we see JJ getting one of her feet out of the restraints and then it fades into days later with Raven captured and in a strappado helpless. She writhes around as the one time damsel turned captor comes up and swats her beautiful ass, makes threats and gets her tied up even more, removing her skirt from her body and using it around her neck to make threats. Now Raven’s mouth is stuffed and she is tightly gagged before getting to the floor and finally being hogtied and left there.