Posts Tagged ‘hospital’

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run time 39 minutes and 27 seconds

 Ariel Anderssen enters an office and is excited to be committed. Of course she thinks she is committed to being a nurse but she is actually being committed to the hospital….  She cheerfully signs papers, slips into her new wardrobe- very shiny pantyhose, a little tank top and some black heels. Next a leather belt with pink handcuffs is wrapped around her and some leg irons. After a bit they leave the room together and we see Ariel being transported in a wheelchair. She is harness gagged and put into an uncomfortable strappado position. Next it is time for the tall lovely girl to get straitjacketed and a scary hood is pulled out. She doesn’t like the look of it and she says that she doesn’t want to wear it but it goes on anyway for a bit. It isn’t a great fit so it is soon removed and her mouth is stuffed and a little piece of microfoam tape is used to seal them in and a harness muzzle gag goes on her. She is roped to the bed for a bit before it is time for transport again….

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39 minutes and 35 seconds

Kendra Lynn believes she is applying to work in a hospital but instead she is signing papers to become a long term patient….She showed up professionally dressed and ready to impress. She finishes the paperwork and the other woman goes to get her a uniform which is very shiny tights, sheer white pants, a sheer white top and orange crocs. She gets dressed and then the woman outfits her with a leather waist chain and cuffs as well as leg irons. Next they appear in another room, Kendra is being pushed in a transport chair. Then a stop to have a metal fiddle applied, which is chained to the ceiling for some recreation time. She eventually kicks off her crocs and struggles more. The chain is released and another transport chair ride happens with the metal fiddle and ballgag on. Her next stop is in front of her bed, where she gets strapped into a posey straitjacket and her blond wig is removed. As a patient it doesn’t matter what color her hair is, but workers must have natural hair. Some microfoam is used to cleave gag her and a foam neckbrace is applied for protection since she was thrashing about earlier. Once strapped to the bed at the ankles a canvas hood goes over her pretty head. It is also attached to the end of the bed so she can’t sit up. Deep down she must have really known what was up when she committed herself to that place.

This was a custom for Ophelia


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run time 1 hour

Ophelia tells the woman who is interviewing her that she is VERY committed to this hospital. The woman is absolutely delighted that Ophelia is so committed. After the papers are signed it is time to get Ophelia into uniform, only it isn’t your typical hospital scrubs, it is spandex pants and a sheer top, straitjacket and ballgag. Ophelia is a bit confused but finds herself being strapped in. Now she is truly committed as a patient and not as an employee. She is strapped to a transport chair and then pushed to her new home, a bed alone in a room with microfoam tape sealing in her ballgag. She is strapped to the bed and left. Her glasses have been removed and  some time a leather blindfold is added. A few months have gone by and Ophelia has settled into her new life there. She is even turned on by the bindings.