Archive for the ‘Hogtie’ Category

1st update of the week

I told Kimberly we would start the clip with me already hogcuffed and I would escape with bobby pins and come after her but she said can I please tie you up instead?  Of course I was like, sure- one of the first women I ever tied tying me! Yay! I gave her no other instruction aside from the theme of the clip. That was fun and unexpected and boy my arms hate boxties, especially since I’ve been so tense. I practice elbows daily, guess I need to practice that position too-

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run time 32 minutes

For those of you that read these things- what I thought was the exciting part of my escape from the hogtie- which really did happen was not recorded. We found out just now that our specific camera turns off after 30 minutes of consecutive filming which we never knew and we’ve had it for over a year!! We do stop to change positions smoothly often or when there are issues. Tony/ hubby/ gotcuffs was filming for me and sooooo sure he didn’t mess up and I really doubted him. He HATES to be wrong, so he googled it and of course showed me the evidence. I’m sad. It took A LOT of work to get my hands out. I didn’t know at the beginning if I would be able to escape at all but I knew I was going to try. I got a little less mad when I saw paid wedding videographers had the same problem with that camera and missed important things like bridal dances and cake cutting because of it. Anyway live and learn, now we know. Even though I’m sure that exact problem won’t happen with us again I’ve decided in the future we will run the go-pro or our old camera in the background. Ggggrrrr Eric Cain/ futilestruggles was over and he likes much, much harder stuff but even he said the guys that like escapes will enjoy your struggle for sure and it isn’t there. I know some of you could care less but I apologize to the others. 

Kimberly tells her long time good friend JJ that she wants to practice bondage on her because she is working on surprising her boyfriend in the bedroom. JJ agrees to be the crash test dummy for her friend, but as the two talk JJ begins to think that Kimberly is mad at her for something, her mood seems to darken and JJ can’t get her to lighten up. Then once JJ is secured and helpless Kim grabs some panties and shoves them in her mouth against her will. Gags were not discussed and now she is wrapping tape around her face and hair! Her body language, tone of voice and demeanor really change. She is definitely mad and in charge. Kimberly has her so called friend right where she wants her. Not only did JJ sleep with her boyfriend which she knows for sure since she was secretly recording him at his apartment JJ is also in a traditional marriage and not supposed to be sleeping around. To get back at JJ for hurting her and cheating on a good man she wanted to tie her up, humiliate her and possibly end her marriage, that was the real reason for the bondage session. Kimberly has been looking for a good man like JJ has so she is extra disgusted at the two of them. She thought Eric was a keeper and she thought JJ wouldn’t be selfish enough to cheat on one of the few good men left in the world. JJ keeps protesting through the gag that she is sorry and that she only slept with him once and they were drunk, and she didn’t know how much Kimberly liked him at the time. Kimberly tells JJ she has the footage of them sleeping together and she plans to show her husband. Her plan is to bring Eric and JJs husband over to discuss it with all of them! She is sure that JJs husband will leave her for this and possibly get into a fist fight with Eric. Now JJ is hogtied and gagged on the floor and Kimberly leaves to pick Eric up. JJ scrambles to get herself untied. Lucky for her those arm ropes were not cinched. She figures her marriage depends on her escaping and getting that footage of her and Eric together. She manages to do it and she pulls her gag off which leaves her face tender and red. ( The impressive part of the escape from the hogtie does not exist for those of you that like escapes as I stated above sadly). It ends with the arms down in more of a strappado style than a boxtie and a heel coming off, then cuts to sitting up and getting leg ropes and the gag off. She yells for Kim ever so sweetly to forgive her and please give her the footage. When she realizes Kim is gone she gets out of there. Later Kim reappears with Eric to confront him with JJ tied up, but she has disappeared. He’s annoyed with her and tells her she is wasting his time, grabs her by the hair and leads her out-

2nd update of the week

This was her first time in bondage in over 2 years!

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run time 33 minutes

Jane comes into the room and reads a  note from her lover asking her to tie herself up for him. He requests that she wears the fuzzy pink sweater. She gags herself and gets to work tying up her long legs and once they are done her boyfriends wife comes in. She wrote the note. Jane tries to hop away but she can’t. The wife gropes at her and ties her up more. She tells Jane she let her hubby have lovers if she could be involved but too but he insisted on sneaking around. Jane does not like the idea of a female lover and spews a bunch more things at the angry wife to make her more jealous through hergag. Her elbows are bound, she is crotchroped, she is forced to grab the wifes boobs.  Her ballgag  is swapped out for a colorful rag and her pretty face is wrapped with  clear tape and later black tape after that. She is hogtied in her bare feet and eventually left alone.

3rd update of the week

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full clip, run time 25 minutes

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partial clip gag, hogtie & lots of struggling  only 7 minutes

Sexy blond Nadia White brags about a big promotion, sleeping her way to the top. She gets off the phone thinking one of her bosses is coming in but it is an angry older woman that works with her and her boyfriend. They are mad about the slut getting a 20K raise. They get to work tying her up, gagging her with her scarf as a cleave with lots of hand over mouth action while groping her. Pulling up her skirt, her high waisted panties elongating her nice figure. They crotch rope her, they remove her glasses, they jam her mouth full with her huge scarf, they let her big tits out of her top and lacey little bra. She struggles helplessly with her elbows bound for a bit. She thinks they are returning to untie her but nope, she gets hogtied and since she is doing everything possible to spit that scarf out of her mouth she is punished with tight black tape wrapped around and around her head. Oh the poor dear doesn’t look anywhere near as beautiful and symmetrical now with one eye looking like it was stung by bees. The other woman even puts on her super high heels and parades around in them! The poor petite curvy little thing is left absolutely helpless on her dining room floor.

black seamed pantyhose available at just figures  😉

2nd update of the week

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run time 24 minutes

Adara and Rachel wait impatiently for JJ to start a clip with them. They have been sitting around for a while. Adara decides they should turn the tables on JJ and tie her up and that is what the ladies do. Adara runs her mouth expertly at JJ while the two get to work tying her up tightly, smashing her elbow together immediately. They stuff her mouth with a pair of Adara’s used panties that were meant to be used on Adara- and Adara says something like, well you can eat my panties or eat my pussy and in go the panties. First they used vetwrap and then they add duct tape. They hogtie her expertly and leave her there to think about her bad manners…(try taking your eyes off of Rachel in those 6″ red pumps tho, she may have been the best mannered but she steals the show).

This was a custom video

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run time 25 minutes

JJ is dressed casually in leggings, sweater and socks when her man Tony comes home. She asks that he ties her up so he does. She stuffs a sock in her mouth and is cleave gagged with another and then her elbows are tied. She bounces across the room for fun to retrieve her phone and then gets to the floor where she struggles around getting the feel for her bindings and then that gag is replaced with a sock and another sock to hold it in. Later Tony wraps lots and lots of black tape around it to secure it all into place. She has been hogtied and now she is where she wants to be!

2nd update of the week

This was a custom for Adara and boy did we make it cheap since she just likes the work

jj @ bornobebound dot com if you’d like one with her. She will be back Sept 27

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full clip, run time over 42 minutes

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no strap on scenes, run time over 29 minutes

I got this job a couple years ago and it became obvious to me that if I used my sex appeal and gave these men what they wanted no strings attached I could climb the ladder and make way more money, have a better title and be allowed to come and go as I please. Everything seemed fine, I was winning and the men in management were winning and all was well. There was a lady working there since high school. It was obvious she wasn’t sleeping with these guys, she seemed like a lesbo actually. She didn’t seem to notice what was going on. She minded her own business, until one day I came home from work after another big promotion that I truly didn’t deserve I guess but I never saw it that way. I saw it as survival of the fittest. That woman was waiting for me in my closet. She appeared with chloroform and knocked me out. I came to tied to my vanity chair and ballgagged.  She seemed like an entirely different human now with me being her helpless captive. She seemed to be enjoying torturing me and repeating that I had to leave the company or else…I agreed but it wasn’t enough, she kept on doing terrible things to me and even making me read the word chloroform on the bottle over and over again. She had me tied in the chair and ballgagged, she knocked me out again, she put clothes pins on my nipples and then when one broke shoved them up my nose. She put a scarf over that ball gag. She ripped open my pantyhose and clawed at me with her nails. She had a huge dildo and make me suck on it, and then tied me on the bed and banged me with the thing. She even made me ride her. She said she wanted to see what all the fuss was about, how good of a lay I was.  She cut my little panties off and shoved them in my mouth over the ballgag. When she was done with that I thought the nightmare was over but it wasn’t. She stuffed my little panties in my mouth and wrapped duct tape around my head. Then she hogtied me with tape hurting my neck. I was afraid I was going to tumble off of the bed and die. She even taped up my freshly manicured nails. I don’t know how long she was gone, I don’t even know how many times she knocked me out that night. She cut my from the hogtie and had me go downstairs ballgagged again to a chair where she knocked me out again and told me that when I woke up she would have some of her friends there to have their way with me. She wasn’t lying, I don’t even want to talk about that now. She wiped down all the surfaces in my house that she touched, she took my ripped up clothes with her. She made me shower off all the evidence. I was too ashamed to go to the authorities. I quit, took some time off and relocated. It has been 6 months now and I’m just getting my life back but I recently got an email from one of my old coworkers asking how I was doing. He told me that the woman JJ now had my position and pay. He said she was glowing and far more confident than ever. Of course he has no idea why I really left there and he never will. I cut my hair, I don’t tan, I don’t wear skyscraper heels or mini dresses to work anymore. I’ll never get over what happened there and that is why I’m here talking to a therapist now….

2nd update of the week

This clip can also be found at Adara’s shop at as well as

This was a custom for Adara. I don’t like to post full nude with no heels as clip updates because well it is not my cup of tea but tonight this and the bonus photoset is all I have for you…..Sorry to you heels and hosiery fellas, but for those of you that ask for more nudity here you go!

I was wearing sheer hose in this of course!  Satin blouses and heels will return Friday.

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run time over 30 minutes

members right click here to download this mp4 or left click to stream  -only struggling

run time over 5 minutes

Adara has been kidnapped. She is tan and nude and hogtied with a bag over her head wearing a ballgag. She struggles for a while before a woman comes in to have some fun with her, reminding her that she doesn’t have long to live. She is let out of the hogtie and told to stand against the wall where she is groped and spanked and then spanked over the knee. Next the woman removes her panties and stuffs her mouth, duct tape is wrapped around her head. Her ankles are tied off to the sides and she is left wondering what will happen to her. When the woman returns she is wearing a dildo. She makes the girl get on her knees and suck it. Her makeup starts to stream down her pretty face…Then those same wet panties are shoved in her mouth and tape wrapped around her head. She is banged in a lot of positions before being sat in a chair. Her legs and arms taped to the sides. Her gag is changed to the ballgag again. The woman leaves her there again and when she comes back she is told that she has to be kil led. The bag is placed over her head and just as the tape starts to go on the police barge in. The woman takes off with the gun. The girl is saved and back up will arrest the woman as she leaves the building.

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run time 19 minutes, full clip

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run time 10 minutes, starts after most of the tying is done & before the “real gag”

Constance got a new job filling lingerie orders. She is a little thief though and can’t help but start stealing on her first day. She brags on the phone to a friend. She is already wearing a new sample when the owner comes in. She quickly tries to put her clothes on over the girdle but no luck, the woman is on to her scheme. Instead of calling the police she decides to have a little fun with the petite little thing. She makes her gag herself with a small ballgag. She ties her up very tightly pulling her arms up into a chicken win. She gives her a crotch rope, she lets her struggle around on her knees like the filthy little whore she is and then she stuffs her mouth with panties and wraps tape around her head, next she is hogtied, but that isn’t the end for Constance, a stocking is put over her little head. Obviously she is fired and JJ is out another office girl, but she feels much better after punishing the little thing.

1st update of the week

Thanks for the very high heels  @alfrego1963!

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run time 20 minutes

A detective is investigating a crime, but the criminals (Adara Jordin & Tony) know she is there. They decide to tie her up while they make a get away. She gets a ballgag with chin strap, elbows tied, wrists tied, a crotch rope, some leg ropes and then they shove panties in her mouth and use vetgwrap to keep them in. After some manhandling they get her to the floor and eventually hogtie her before making a run for it. Only she manages to escape. She works her shoulders so that rope falls off, making the hogtie rope useless. She kicks her platform heels off, wearing black pantyhose under her jeans.  She manages to rock herself up to her knees and then the bench. She tries to spit the panties out but they get stuck in the wrapping and now the sides of her mouth are being dug into by the wrapping. She hops over to a door to try it, no luck so she hops back out the way she came in.

We didn’t plan on this being an escape clip. I was just able to get the ropes off so we went with it….

3rd update of the week

this was a custom, continued on the story line from last week

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run time 29 minutes

members right click here to download this mp4 or left click to stream 1st part, includes strap on

run time over 9 minutes

members right click here to download this mp4 or left click to stream  2nd part, starts with Fayth putting on fresh pantyhose

run time 20 minutes

Fayth is still paying for hiring JJ’s niece to be a hooker. She is told to remove her pantyhose tied up and marched over to the couch by her hair. She is banged from behind, then she gets a ballgag and painfull nipple clamps and more strap on sex, then she is forced to bounce up and down on it. When she seems to be enjoying it too much she is pushed over to the couch and put back to sleep. When she wakes she is given fresh pantyhose and a satin blouse and tight skirt to put on. She gets tied up again. The big red satin panties she was wearing earlier are now jammed into her mouth, heavy duct tape is used to seal them in. She is put back out and when she wakes she is hogtied shortly thereafter. JJ wants to make sure she is packaged up nicely before the nice man from the Michigan Militia appears to take her away. When he arrives he is happy to take her, so they put her back out again in order to transport her away…..