Posts Tagged ‘Carissa Dumond’

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run time: 23:49

Carissa Dumond is surprised by a knock on her door and a man comes right in and tells her that JJ sent him to collect the money that she owes her.  He doesn’t waste anytime getting her tied up and then has her give him her PIN number to her debit card to go get the money.  Once he gets the money he will come untie her, but if she lied about the number he won’t be back. He rips open her top, ties up her beautiful breasts, stuffs her mouth full of panties and tightly wraps her head with tape, assuring she won’t be free before he returns.

some footage of her coming undone at the end, first time Tony and Carissa ever worked together

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run time over 26 minutes

It is a 90F day in Florida and Carissa Dumond doesn’t know her quiet eccentric neighbor but she really dislikes her anyway and thinks she is up to no good. She decides to be a Karin and goes to investigate around the neighbors place. Big mistake, JJ doesn’t take too kindly to trespassers. She is waiting to sneak up on Carissa and put her in her place. Before she knows it Carissa is in a harness gag and being led to a bdsm barn and taped up with black tape in her tight little J Crew sweater, white pencil skirt and shiny sheer pantyhose. Carissa is tied standing with her legs spread a bit. The harness gag is tied so she can’t sit or kneel down. Her arms are taped up with black tape. She struggles before the woman unties her enough to sit down in a chair for a bit. Her mouth gets stuffed with an american flag bandana and her mouth is wrapped in vetwrap. She is helped to the floor and taped up in a very unlady like way with her lady parts glimmering under her pantyhose. Carissa struggles about but can’t escape. She is moving too much for the homeowners liking though,  so her legs are taped together and she is now in a hogtape like position. Black tape goes around her gag and the heel protectors from her shoes are put over her eyes and held on with more vetwrap around her head. What will this woman do with her next?

Yesterday I bought a ticket to Florida last minute to help Eric move, that means I’ll be shooting this lovely woman again sometime between May 18-22. If you’d like a custom please email me at

There had been two horrible days going on the third when this shoot happened. I was exhausted and frumpy and I didn’t have an heels with me that I was willing to ruin hence the flats. I’m looking forward to a do-over soooooon!!

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run time 21 minutes

I lead girdle and stocking bound Carissa Dumond to a tree and tie her to it and add a crotch rope. I add tight vetwrap and watch her struggle. We walk out a bit and I add more rope to her upper body before taking her over to a chair. She is tied to the chair, legs spread, shoes removed and ankles tied to the chair. The vetwrap and ballgag are removed and a scarf is shoved in her mouth followed by a tight cleave, which doesn’t stay on for too long before being changed to more vetwrap. I attempt to attach nipple clamps and fail on one side so I leave it for a bit and continue tying her before finally getting it to latch on. A stocking cap aka mosquito net goes over her pretty face and we watch her struggle.

She reacts at the end and an outtake

Welcome the lovely Carissa Dumond to Borntobebound

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run time over 35 minutes

A criminal (JJ Plush) approaches a house in the middle of nowhere and is met by the homeowner (Carissa Dumond)  who is quickly over powered and finds herself tied up in a chair. A few minutes later she is hopeful  that an officer is coming to her rescue, but the officer (Cherry Busom) is met with the same fate as the homeowner. The criminal pulls the officers clothes off so that when she makes a run for it she won’t be as obvious. The officer is tied in her underwear next to the homeowner, both of them gagged and mmphing in their predicament.

Before the criminal takes off in the officers clothing she decides to hogtie them both on the floor, removing the homeowners Keds and tying the officers long braided ponytail between her teeth.