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run time over 29 minutes

This is a custom in the style of gotcuffs. It has been available over there for months but I am going to continue to post the customs I appear in over here for those of you that might be interested.

6ft tall Sky is a prisoner wearing an orange jumpsuit and cuffed behind the back with socks and sandals on (about 3 minutes). She needs to go to court so it is time to get into some appropriate clothes to see the judge. She is taken to another room and undresses and then puts on dress clothes including a satin blouse and black thigh high stockings. Once dressed she gets a waist chain with hands to the side and her ankles shackled. Sadly court reveals that she is now condemned to many years in prison. It is time to strip again and get searched. She squats and coughs and lifts her tongue and shows the soles of her feet. From there she has to walk naked to her cell carrying the jumpsuit, boxes, tank top and white socks. Once dressed she nervously walks the room and crosses and uncrossed her legs showing off her bright white socks (about 5 minutes) with hands now cuffed in front.

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