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run time only 18 minutes

Ashley is the young receptionist at a sleazy LA photography studio. She is minding her own business at work when an angry woman comes in and starts demanding to see Tony one of the photographers. She says that Tony took topless and seductive glamour photos of her 17 year old daughter. Ashley remembers the girl and says her ID clearly stated that she was 25. Then she fired back that the daughter is obviously a slut like her mom and other digs. The woman isn’t taking it and grabs her bag of rope which she brought to restrain Tony to teach him a lesson. She begins to tie her up even at the elbows. She gags her with a white cloth and ties her to the chair, but that gag isn’t enough. She grabs a doily from the girls desk and crams that in her mouth and knots the fabric back over her face. She decides to go outside for a bit and when she comes back she unknots the cloth and just ties the doily in tightlt that way. Now her cute young face is all contorted. Now they wait for Tony.

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