Another oldie, 2010!!

I’m hogtied by Andreas from

The madness of the new year and my house guests disappear Wednesday so new and updates will resume then and I’ll be able to catch up on emails. It has been interesting to see video quality and our shooting quality change over the years though hasn’t it???

members right click here to download this mp4 or left click to stream

run time over 19 minutes

Let me apologize for the realllllllly harsh light in this clip!! It starts when my arms and legs have already been tied up. He puts me in a pretty brutal chicken wing. Then he hogties me, attaching the hogtie rope to the rope at my shoulders pulling it nice and snug. This is the kind of hogtie that I can’t really get any relief by rolling over in. He stuffs my mouth with a HUGE red foam ball and wraps microfoam tape tightly around my head. He does snap some photos at this point….as I try to move, lol. Then he rolls me to the side, since I can’t seem to do it for myself. I am totally helpless. I do manage to get back to my stomach, yelping very loud….then I roll halfway to the other side getting stuck. He comes back and shoves me over. He then takes some drumsticks and plays drums on my girdled butt, then he can’t help but put roll me around on the pool table after he snaps some more pics. Boy do I look distressed….I see him walk by with the poolstick and then balls going past my head. He decides to play pool with me in the center of the table…He aims for all of my girlie parts of course. This goes on for a while and I try to gather the balls under my chest so he has less to aim at me. He does eventually let me out and I ungag myself with my arms working about half way.

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