UPDATE 1.21.25
Heading to Detroit from Florida today but the flight is delayed. I’m shooting Zoey Ziptie tomorrow, I’ll be getting back to everyone on THURSDAY most likely if the flight doesn’t have free wifi. Thanks for being patient.
UPDATE 1.19.25
HUGE emergency, didn’t get to leave for Florida until 3 days after I was supposed to, wasted tons of money on a last minute ticket, and paid for days at a fancy airbnb that I didn’t get to use.
However I finally made it, totally exhausted and zombie like but I made it… I needed a change of scenery anyway.
Carisa Dumond was able to reschedule for today, even though I just got back to her yesterday. We just had a great shoot 🙂
I have not been in my emails, I have not sent off customs, or editing customs, or finished shooting customs- everything came to a screeching halt.
I will be shooting Zoey Ziptie in Detroit, on my own turf Wednesday evening. If you wrote about me shooting her in Florida, I have not read about it yet, but I can shoot her there where I have all of my things.
I will be shooting Zoey tomorrow (stuff from my own mind )and hopefully Jim Hunter/ Hunters Lair will put some rope on me- though he is suffering with stage 4 pancreatic cancer which is why I am here now, I wanted to spend time with him.
Thanks for your patience, sorry for not being consistent…..