I’m back in my emails and happy to shoot customs. I have been starting with recent messages and working my way back. I’m off to Florida tomorrow and nowhere near ready so probably no more emails tonight but I’ll be back at it on the plane. I’ve been consistently in them for days now so if you sent something long ago that I didn’t respond to and you happen to see this feel free to send it again to get to the top.

I was not ignoring you…. I was just dealing with life off of the internet and not reading messages. I know that sounds crazy but call me crazy.

6th Lexi Lane in Florida

March 7th Carissa Dumond & Cherry Busom in Florida at Eric Cains

One of my custom clients for Carissa said he could not pay now so I definitely have room for one with her. I shot one clip of her at Fetishcon this summer that I have not posted yet.

15th Rachel Adams

18th Izzie

23rd Dakkota

Also Tony/ gotcuffs is around to help the 15,18,23

Riley Jane later this month

Je C later this month

I do hope to schedule another model in Florida. If I don’t I will be available to session the afternoon of the 9th at a hotel on St Pete beach, yes that is correct…. I would need references and your real info and a deposit, just a heads up. This is kinda special,I have been reclusive and not sessioning but I’m feeling more like myself than I have in a long time.


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