I haven’t been in my emails in ages again. They days are flying by and nowadays my body and brain want to sleep all night and not work like I did most of my adult life. I pushed myself to work all night long because I was a zombie during the day if I could even poke my head out during daylight hours which wasn’t happening much the last few years. I was forgetful, frustrated, weak, unreliable, manic and confused and as promised by the best doctor once I got my adrenal problems in check my internal clock started to work. Now it gets to be this time of night and I’m exhausted and want to get to bed so I can wake up and feel refreshed. It’s a dream I never thought possible! I was convinced I would always be a creature of the night.

So I’ll be catching up on emails Thursday evening and Friday and also shooting with Dakkota Friday, it’s been a while!!!

Your next update will come Thursday am and star Raven and Lucy.

Night night everyone








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