Hi Everyone,

There is never a dull moment around here and time keeps flying by. I had been really dragging since right before Valentine’s Day and I couldn’t shake it and it was really getting to me. It turned out to be walking pneumonia I found out last Sunday, which I wasn’t even aware existed. It explained a lot. I was actually relieved to find out what was wrong and that it was fixable and it wasn’t just some kind of cold that I couldn’t shake. I shot soooooo many girls like that…. I told them all ahead of time I was really under the weather but they all wanted to come and make some money. I hope I didn’t pass it along. So if I look beyond exhausted in recent clips (which I do) the reason is walking pneumonia with veryyyy little downtime. However, lots of improvement with the antibiotics where supplements and cold medicine were not helping so that is good.

This Thursday night Steve Villa and his wife will be here for a few days so hopefully I will get some bondage from Steve and perhaps Scarlet will join us. Lets just hope I am as bendy as usual…..Thursday during the day the cutie pie Elizabeth Winters is coming to work for Tony at gotcuffs but she can’t do gags aside from a simple cleave so I struggle with her even though she is cute as a button since 90 percent of you seem to really dig difficult gags. Sunday Dakkota and Riley Rose will be here for a custom and I’ll do more with them and next week a cute newbie Nathalia Rhodes will come as well as Wenona! I need to stock pile some good footage. If you’d like a custom with any of those ladies send me an email jj@borntobebound.com. A custom that doesn’t involve multiple shoot locations or complicated scripts. I am not the right producer for that right now….

There have been many time consuming issues on my lingerie website and I am waiting for some changes to be made before I start advertising and I need more help with shipping and the little things. Being sick has worn on me and that magical 5 day vacation to Miami seems like it was a year ago now BUT it has been sunny, the snow is melting and the birds are chirping which is always a spirit brightener here in Detroit.

Last night we just cut away half of the studio bar (which was from an American Legion Hall here in the 60s- then later a machine shop was down here). We got a row of 50s metal cabinets for free and we are going to do a little retro kitchen set, complete with boomerang counters and black and white tile floor. It will be a cute little area to do some girdle bondage and photos in AND be functional for us. We had planned on doing a little kitchen near the bar next year but the freebie moved that project wayyyyyyyy up and since we are do it yourselfers this adds yet more work onto work but it will be worth it!  A week ago this wasn’t happening and now everything is torn apart.

That being said- to you guys that post my video clips on all of the illegal free forums and the porn upload sites, just think about what you are doing for one minute. We aren’t the Walmart of bondage over here. I started with nothing and worked very hard to get lots of gear, outfits and a studio. I still enjoy what I do and I TRY to keep it interesting and not just go through the motions.  Yes I have off times, I knowwwwww but I think what I offer here for the price is extremely reasonable considering what I pay models, for cameras, wardrobe, studio, editing time etc, etc. I invest a TON in this business and it pains me to see my stuff all over for free- and yes, some of you actually use the same username on those forums as here. I know who you are. If you could refrain please and think of me as one human working hard to give you something you enjoy and not this nonhuman on the internet please. If you enjoy watching me do what I do and you make it free for everyone else, how do you expect me to continue producing quality content? (Well quality for a team of 2, lol). If I told you my guesstimate at how much it costs me to produce a clip after I consider model fees, feeding them, gags, panties they keep, my time editing, bandwidth, online security, the co that removes my stolen content now, just the taxes and heating this place before I get a penny back you’d be VERY surprised. So to those of you that join the site or buy the clips thank you very much.  End of that rant…

So you might have seen that I had the bright red weave for a minute. It tangled and had to come out but Tony who is usually ultra conservative about hair styles loves it (maybe because it seemed like he was getting a new woman, lol) so it will be coming back soon…Sorry to those of you that really hated it. I’ve never committed to a tattoo but I have put my hair through all sorts of dreadful things over the years, but hey it isn’t permanent and life is short, my dark hair will be hidden under it safe and sound.

On a very different note Tony and I have decided to actually get married April 4 in Vegas. We had agreed to never marry but apparently we want to screw up a good thing (lol) so anyway April 4 in Vegas, a tiny wedding will occur! We decided a month ago when my parents told us they felt like going to Vegas too. We thought it would be a good idea, you know make the old conservative folks happy and do something on the normal side since we had agreed long ago that we were lifers. I’m very sure that since we made it through last year we can get through anything….The Viva Las Vegas (pin up, rockabilly, car show) will be happening and I haven’t been since 2009.  There is also a lingerie convention I need to attend. So life is moving a mile a minute because even planning a small wedding is time consuming, on top of the lingerie company, shooting, editing, remodeling the studio and being sick. The dress I ordered arrived today and looks more like a robe and the color is horrible so now I actually have to go out into the world and find something to wear which used to be one of my favorite things to do but with such a big work load these days I’ve lost the love for shopping.

So anyway, new to me models coming soon, a new “set” here coming soon, and a happening very suddenly Vegas wedding. No I’m not pregnant. I’m a mommy to many of my models and lots of messy pets and that is plenty enough mommying for this busy lady.

Anyone in Vegas that might like to meet us for a drink that week let me know (I’m serious).

I know many of you get frustrated that I’m not good at emailing back and forth. Sometimes I get to them and see a pleasant one or two and then something nasty because I didn’t respond. Please understand that I don’t mean to be rude, and it doesn’t mean that I don’t appreciate the fact that you enjoy my clips or my non-model looks or quirky demeanor, that is simply not the case. There just isn’t enough time in the day and I am very scattered. My yesterday hasn’t even ended yet and it is well after 7am….

However I chose this life…I’m not being held against my will.

That being said we will see what the future brings, definitely more bondage!





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