Archive for the ‘My Journal’ Category
Happy 4th of July to my fellow Americans
I disappeared for a bit with some lady issues and then my mom had a heart attack and ended up hospitalized for a few days and I just had to go deal with some other things and not be the bondage lady for a little bit, although I didn’t actually cancel any shoots I just didn’t get anything done with the content or in my messages.
Because I always do things the opposite way, on the one day that most people in America are relaxing I’m back on the computer and I plan to have two more video updates available for you today and to get back into emails. I’ve just gotta head to my trainer in a few minutes before I get going on more. He isn’t taking the day off either, sadly. lol!!
Wednesday/ tomorrow Frank ILRB is coming over and we are going to do something and this Thursday the 6th at 1pm Dakkota is coming back if anyone would like a custom. I’ll also be back at shooting the birthday thank you clips with Tony.
Over the weekend I shot Candace and helped Payton get some foot content started for a site she wants to do.
So coming up Dakkota, Je C, Cherry Busom, Payton and August 11 Dahlia Lark. I only shot Dahlia once with another model years ago. I’m looking forward to doing more with her then 🙂 Freshie Juice also comes the following week and I’m sure many of you know that she has been making some beautiful high quality fetish porn.
Also many of you know I don’t hang out online and I have no idea who is who in the world on bondage clips. Who should I make an effort to tie up this year?????
I also rented that studio/ session space but there are some things there that make me very uncomfortable, I’ll be working on it next week…..I’m paying the rent and not utilizing it and it is causing me anxiety. I know many of you are waiting to hear from me on that.
Have a lovely day and check back later for more content.
Hi everyone, I’m shooting with Cherry today and then headed to Florida for a week for a doctors appointment and to help my bestie Eric Cain pack to move.
In Florida I’ll be shooting with
- Carissa Dumond May 21
- Natalie Charms May 22
It will be my last time shooting at his place. If you’d like a custom of either of those women please email me
They are both gorgeous and great at bondage!!
As of now when I get back to Detroit I’ll be shooting
Rachel Adams that week
Candace I shot her once many years ago and she will return
May 30 Riley Jane WITH Cherry Busom
June 2 is my birthday
June 7 Kendra Lynn
end of June Freshie Juice most likely comes for a week!
August Autumn Bodell returns
As far as sessioning goes the building is being inspected some time at the beginning of June, so I’ve been holding off on taking my furniture and supplies there. I’ll get back in touch with everyone who wrote in regards to that on my flight tomorrow.
Have a nice day everyone!!
Hello everyone,
In December I ventured to sunny Florida. I shot a few girls, visited with my vanillas and also visited with Gigi/ Milf Gigis Bondage Fantasies in the hospital. I sat by her bedside for two days while her husband Jim Hunter/ Hunters Lair went home to visit family. She hadn’t been off a respirator or out of bed since heart surgery in September so her quality of life was not one I’d wish on my worst enemy, however, I also believe that where there is life there is hope. I was hopeful that she would make a full recovery, however clearly the outlook was not so good.
As most of you DID bondage fans that look at social media know she recently passed away. We all have Steve Villa from GND to thank for knowing her. Before she was known to all as Gigi I met her in NYC with Steve and Elane Hershey. He met her on Fetilife. She didn’t even know me at all and she even brought me a little gift, a zebra print shopping bag for anything I might pick up in NYC. We became fast friends. I urged her to do bondage modeling since she had such a love for bondage her entire life. I’m happy to say I was the first person to tie her up for the internet on a visit to Muzzlers house many moons ago long after our first meeting in NYC. I urged her to open a site. She thrived and worked hard and everyone absolutely loved her. She took care of and mentored sooo many. She had a way of making everyone feel loved. She was a voice of reason to a lot of people and a role model to many. She was more full of life, love and energy than most people half her age (including myself). She had overcome so many health issues over the years I just assumed this was another bump in the road, but I was very wrong.
I stopped traveling when Covid hit and I live in Detroit which is nowhere near Florida so there was a time when I hadn’t seen her in person for a while. I’m so glad I went to Fetishcon last minute and we got to spend sooo much quality time together in person catching up this summer. It felt great to reconnect in person. I am one of those people that likes to nurse people when I’m well enough myself and I have no problem being around sick people so I’m glad I could be by her side in Florida. I know a lot of her friends were too upset to see her like that. Seeing how she was in December also helped to give me closure when her husband Jim Hunter told me hospice was coming in to take over. I have so many incredible memories of Gigi in all kinds of states and in all kinds of countries. I’ve had some of the best laughs in my life with her. She had this way of struggling in clips that would alwayssss make me think she really needed out of the ropes but she was a tough cookie and always doing just fine. The biggest compliment ever was when she said a clip gave her “The wet factor”. I do have unposted clips of her from Spain and her home in Florida and soo many photos of our adventures over the years. My heart really aches for Jim and her daughter.
I don’t exist much on social media and I’m terrible with emails but I’m still here doing this thing after sooo many years and I thank those of you that understand and don’t take my terrible job at emailing personally. I am so grateful for you all.
You could go over to Hunters Lair or Milf Gigis Fantasies and show him some support during this time by purchasing some of their clips. That would be very nice of you…
Much love from the very reclusive JJ
My last 3Â models canceled due to illness and school issues so I’m getting a little antsy. I’m also very behind on emails. I’m not intentionally ignoring anyone. Life is just complicated and I’ll get there. Feel free to resend to bump to the top.
Also coming today a gag custom of Cherry and I to make up for the lack of gags in the Nyxon clip 😉
As of right now this is how things look aside from my shoots today. Today is Cherry and perhaps Kai will show up
5th Jayda & Je
7th Cherry Busom aka Lushes LaMoan
11th Bound Kajira in the photos below. When I mentioned gags she said she had TMJ so….if you want a gag custom she is not your lady
11th after Kajira , Dakkota
13th Lilith Lewd
16th Rachel Adams
also not scheduled yet but hopefully very soon Simone, Kai, Chanelle and lots solo with my ex Gotcuffs
Coming later today a clip of Ophelia and Jayda
Coming to shoot this week:
22nd Rachel Adams but her dance card is full this time around, sign up for a custom next time!
24th Dakkota
sometime very soon, Cherry Busom
sometime around the 26th the cutie newbie bondage loving woman from Jersey who has never done clips
October 19 and 20 Ophelia comes back from Colorado!
There will be more shoots scheduled with local women, I have been moving lots out of the bank and around in my home to have room for some things from the building. Purging, purging, purging all day….. clear space, clear mind 🙂
Most of my lingerie collection and heels will go , size 0-6x in girdles and 6-11 in heels. If there is something you recall that you loved feel free to write and inquire. Also for those of you that buy vintage lingerie what is the best platform to sell it on? I had an account with etsy that my friend Kim was running. When she dropped dead in her 30s with no previous medical issues it was the same time I found out I had no credit, had been robbed blind, my (senior at least) yorkie died and I found out my marriage was meaningless so I never ever logged back in there….. trauma, really does a number on people that were already sickly and weak.
Good news is hard work, self care and time heals those wounds and life does goes on.
What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger and I’m grateful to be in a much, much better place today physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Much love! JJ
Soooo if you purchase clips from the store on using a particular linking code I get 100% of the sales this month instead of the 60% which is usually the situation over there. I hate asking people to use certain links or vote for me or my friends however trust me when I say I need this money far more than the good folks that run clips4sale.
To help me out extra big time this month just click on the link below whenever you buy clips from me there this month.
Mind you it is a much better deal to join my site for the month, however I know many of you are untrusting of pay sites but trust that site for whatever reason.
Here is the borntobebound link to use so I get 100% this month!!Â
 Also I see all the girls are starting Patreon, Only Fans and AVN star accounts and I’ve been prodded to do it by many for extra income, however I don’t think that is fair to my paying members here at all!!! I’m going to make my own little area here called JJs AVN Patreon Only Fans and I’ll put in behind the scenes videos and images because I take a ton, probably more than anyone in the industry while shooting. For those of you that like the personal stuff you will be able to find more of it here now that I am in good health and have a better grip on what is going on in my life, I can be more present, like I was the first few years of my bondage career but I’m taking baby steps towards that instead of going all in and then disappearing from emails again for a year or going back to my vanilla life…
 When the virus happened I did a blog here saying that I would do $20 giftcards emailed to for a month long membership here and I am going to continue that deal for the rest of April since many of you are still stuck at home.
PLEASE don’t be opposed to joining a membership site with over 1000 videos for $20 (This One) when you are willing to join these AVN, Patreon, Only Fan accounts with just a month or two worth of content. Also I have A LOT OF OVERHEAD running this site. So to join for $20 this month go to the USA version of amazon which is and select email giftcard and send it to with your email and preferred username and password please. You won’t get immediate access but you will get access as soon as possible and trust me when I say I won’t spend the $20 until you are a member. Your $20 will almost buy me 4 rolls of microfoam for gags. For those of you that write me telling me you are my biggest fan but you’ve only watched my stolen content on tube sites now is the time to earn yourselves some good karma 🙂 🙂 🙂
Stay safe and sane everyone.
Hello to my fellow humans,
I hope everyone is of sound mind and body during these absolutely wild times we are living in.
I will be posting two updates Saturday evening and I am actually shooting with my exhusband Tony/ Gotcuffs Sunday with Vida Bristol from this site. We have basically all been together since we were told not to mingle so….
If you’d like a custom video with myself and Tony or myself and Vida or Vida and me… you get the idea, the third person will be around to film. We are all physically well, thankfully. I didn’t spend the last three years of my life building my immune system up just to be destroyed by this so I am taking it very seriously and I haven’t been out out. I haven’t seen the empty shelves in real life, it is almost like it isn’t real only it is….
You can send custom inquiries to jj at borntobebound dot com. Please don’t ask how much for a custom or how much for a ten minute custom in your email. I do not quote per minute, I need your story idea, clothing idea, what bondage you’d like to see and then I can quote it. I’m pretty affordable these days I’ve been told. I can also probably do skype sessions which is something I have offered very little of over the years.
Also for those of you bored at home for the next week I will be offering 31 days memberships for a $20 giftcard sent to jj at borntobebound dot com beginning NOW. This is not an instant gratification thing though, this is a send it and wait for an email back about your account being active, same day but most likely not immediate. Please include your preferred username, password and email address with the gift card. Also this must be from the USA/ .com version of amazon or I won’t be able to use the card.
That is the best I can do right now.
Hang in there everyone. We can do it.
Much appreciation,
Hello everyone,
The 5th I’ll be shooting Rachel Adams
The 12th & 13th Adara Jordin
The 16th Nyssa Nevers
The 17th Garnett Rose, my first time shooting her
My exhusband Tony from gotcuffs will be in town to video tape or be a bad guy or a dude in distress while Nyssa, Adara and Garnett are here.
April 5-20 I’ll be in Las Vegas Nevada. Please let me know which models I should shoot there, or what people should tie me up or come and have a real life session with me there!
Hello everyone,
Sorry for the slow updates but at least I have been shooting. My ex/ gotcuffs was in town for two weeks and we went hard at working to list a property hours and hours a day. It was gut wrenching sad hard labor on properties that are in terrible states of disrepair that I’ve been left with, only to be thanked with almost two feet of dirty water flooding out the bank basement the day he was supposed to leave for his place 5 hours away. I think I’m holding it together fairly well. I am pretty used to bad luck by now. I must have been one hell of a shitty person in a previous life, lol. So my studio has drained, it took 24 hours but a nice black sludge was left behind. For whatever reason it was dirtier this time than ever. My home also flooded, first time since at least the late 80s because I pulled out heavy duty carpet and padding from then that hadn’t been flooded ever. The good news is at home it was only an inch and not filthy and nothing other than rugs got destroyed, so it could have been much worse I suppose. Below is the water at the highest and the mess it left behind. I have no clue why they post sideways. It looks normal when I try to post it, but you get the idea…
I will get caught up on updates Monday onward when I finally have some down time. I also see lots of emails that I haven’t gotten to and many of them say customs and sessions and I’m super thankful for that especially right now. Adara as my collared cutie pie slave is always willing to make customs with me for what I consider to be a good deal. Things are not easy but my brain and body are working well enough to tackle them, unlike in years past sooo I’m thankful for that.
Boundcon in Munich is also fast approaching so get your tickets and come and give me hug. I welcome hugs for free and I’ll happily tie you up and gag you, for a price 😉
Thanks to you honest folks that join the site, buy the clips, order the customs and send the gifties. These clips don’t come to life for free. Shame on all of you that spend time stealing it and spreading it around for free…I don’t give your work out for free, may all of your spouses get addicted to drugs and bankrupt you and may all of your basements flood out above your knees. Nevermind, I doubt you guys posting my content for free have spouses. lol
Happy weekend!
Customs anyone? I finally have a couple local camera people lined up to help. YAY! It was super helpful having my ex do camera and help me bad guy, not gonna lie. He was good with the camera and not hard on the eyes.
There will be more girls but this is the line up for now-
March 15Â Â Â Â Nyssa Nevers
March 18Â Â Â Â Â Mizz Amanda Marie
End of March, Adara Jordin is back
March 27Â Â Â Â Â Rachel Adams
Raven said she was coming back
* Vegas trip happening during Viva Las Vegas in April. I’ll be shooting there
*Boundcon Munich Germany in May
PLEASE look at the top of the page and read the customs area before writing me and asking me how much for a custom please.