I’m sorry about the late post from last week. I thought I had set it to post Saturday but apparently I set it for a Saturday next year.

Thursday I left for Cabo Mexico- never having slept the night before at all and having a nervous breakdown right before we left bawling my eyes out saying that I couldn’t go. I had too much to do, wasn’t properly packed- all truth but also typical crazy me bullshit.

Anyway, a long time close friend of mine from the auto industry days invited us to stay in his time share for free. I found tickets for $400 and poof here we are, kinda. There is no tv, there is no internet that works in my room but there is an internet cafe on the premises and I plan to go tomorrow evening to get this weeks clip(s) loaded do emails- add all those people I haven’t added, etc. If not I’ll be home Thursday.

The view is spectacular, this penthouse is life styles of the rich and famous style- no detail has been overlooked (aside from decent internet, sheesh) and my friend is taking good care of me. It truly is a tropical paradise and this particular place was built in the 70s by an award winning architect and the structures are lovely and the grounds are incredible.  I’ve never been to Mexico and I’ve never taken more than 3 days off of work and this is an entire week. It just isn’t realistic to get all the things done to wander away for a week. The lack of sleep, freak out etc lowered my temp back down to 96 the first few days, but now I’m back into the safe zone above 97. I had no idea what to expect and I must say I’m impressed, sunshine and 75 mid January is great but it is probably best not to take off on a nonwork trip for a very, very long time-

Anyway, I’m alive and as always my apologies to those of you waiting for/ on me.

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